Heated Floor

The heated floor component is a low temperature radiant system and can be used to define heating elements that comprise water fed tubular systems embedded within the floor construction of a building.


Two types of heated floor are available in DesignBuilder HVAC, a constant flow and a variable flow system.


Note that this system will only control based on the radiant system controls defined for the component and not via a zone thermostat such as is used for forced air systems. If the radiant system is serving a zone with forced air equipment, the radiant system will follow the priority order established by the zone thermostat but will still base its response on the controls defined by the user for the radiant system.

Note: The floor constructions of zones in which heated floors are to be positioned must have a special internal source construction which incorporates details of the embedded tubing system. See Internal Source under Constructions for further details.


To edit the data associated with a heated floor, you first need to select it by moving the mouse cursor over it and then clicking the mouse button to select it. You can then access the edit dialog by right-clicking the mouse and selecting the Edit selected component option or alternatively, select the Edit selected component tool from the toolbar.

Target Tab

When editing the attributes associated with a Heated floor component it is possible to apply the same changes to units in other zones in the same HVAC Zone group. To do this select the components on the Target tab of the edit dialog as required.